October 22, 2024

Dear Friends,

On this feast of St. Pope John Paul II—2 weeks from Election Day—we ask his intercession to help us do what we can to promote a “culture of life” over (as he coined it) the “culture of death.”

St. Joseph Chapel (400 South Blvd. West, Pontiac, MI 48341) will be open on select days to provide Prayer for the Election—that God grant us good and godly leaders.  The BEST EXPLANATION from a Catholic perspective that I’ve heard on the candidates’ positions on abortion, the border and gender transitioning is this 12-minute YouTube by our local Chaldean Bishop, Bishop Francis.

The Prayer for the Election schedule STARTS TOMORROW and is as follows: St. Joseph Chapel will be open 7:00 pm-10:00 pm

  • Oct. 23 (prayer only)
  • Oct. 25 (Mass at 8:00 pm)
  • Oct. 29 (Mass at 8:00 pm)
  • Oct. 30 (prayer only)
  • Oct. 31 (Mass at 8:00 pm)
  • Nov. 4 (Mass at 8:00 pm)
  • Nov. 5: Election Day: 5:00-8:00 pm (Mass at 7:00 pm)

The Holy Rosary will be prayed on the hour and Eucharistic Exposition will available throughout except at Mass.  We implore the Immaculata to intercede for an unleashing of the Holy Spirit to guide voters to choose wisely and to bind any untruth being propagated.

“The Environment and Stewardship” will be the topic of our third Catholic Social Teaching on Contemporary Issues class.  It will be after Mass this Saturday, October 26, in the Lower Level.  Our textbook by Fr. Jeffrey Kirby, STD, Sanctify Them in Truth: How the Church’s Social Doctrine Addresses the Issues of Our Time.  Future topics on the following Saturdays are the LGBT+ Movement (Nov. 9), Universal Healthcare and Artificial Nutrition & Hydration (Nov. 16), Critical Race Theory (Nov. 30), and the Male Priesthood (Dec. 14).

To communicate with me, email me directly at [email protected] or call/text me at (313) 727-9784.  St. Pope John Paul II, pray for us!

In Jesus, Mary & Joseph,
Fr. Alex Kratz, OFM                                     
Spiritual Director of Terra Sancta Ministries