Tomorrow, March 5, is Ash Wednesday. “Remember, Man, you are dust, and to dust you will return!”—words originally spoken to Adam & Eve (Genesis 3:19) by God after their sin and unleashes the curses upon mankind that only Jesus could free us from and which are said (or “Repent, and believe in the Gospel”) on Ash Wednesday as ashes are imposed upon us. At St. Joseph Chapel (400 South Blvd. West, Pontiac, MI 48341) we will follow our normal schedule: 10:30 am doors open with Eucharistic Exposition, 11:00 am Confessions, Noon Mass with Distribution of Ashes, and after Mass St. Joseph devotion to honor him, our patron, on this First Wednesday.

This Friday, March 7, and on all Fridays of Lent, we will pray the Stations of the Cross after Mass. The Rosary, therefore, will be prayed before Mass at 11:30 am, followed by the Chaplet.

Wednesday, March 19, is the Solemnity of St. Joseph. Our schedule will be the following: 10:30 am doors open with Eucharistic Exposition, 11:00 am Confessions, 11:30 am Rosary & Chaplet, Solemn Mass at Noon followed by a reception. There will also be a talk by a guest speaker (“St. Joseph in the Year of Hope”) and a free St. Joseph prayer booklet will be distributed.

To communicate with me, please email me directly at [email protected] or call/text me at (313) 727-9784. St. Joseph, pray for us!

In Jesus, Mary & Joseph,
Fr. Alex Kratz, OFM
Spiritual Director of Terra Sancta Ministries