Please follow this page for updates, schedule changes and information from Fr. Alex.
Prayer for the Election
October 28, 2024 Dear Friends, On this feast of Saints Simon & Jude, Apostles, we ask their intercession for our Church, our civilization and our country. St. Joseph Chapel (400 South Blvd. West, Pontiac, MI 48341) will NOT BE OPEN this Wednesday evening, October...
Prayer for the Election
October 22, 2024 Dear Friends, On this feast of St. Pope John Paul II—2 weeks from Election Day—we ask his intercession to help us do what we can to promote a “culture of life” over (as he coined it) the “culture of death.” St. Joseph Chapel (400 South Blvd. West,...
Mass for the Unborn and Prayer for the Election
October 14, 2024 Dear Friends, Tonight, October 14, at Transfiguration Parish (25225 Code Rd., Southfield, MI 48033) I will preside at a Holy Hour & Mass for the Unborn, starting at 7:00 pm. Afterwards, there will be a reception and pro-life literature and...