February 17, 2025

Dear Friends,
Tonight we will have our Third Monday Holy Hour & Holy Mass of Reparation at St. Joseph Chapel (400 South Blvd. West, Pontiac, MI 48341).  Doors open at 6:30 pm with Eucharistic Exposition (Confession available upon request), 7:00 pm Holy Hour followed by our Mass of Reparation.  Reparation beseeches Heaven for Divine Mercy, satisfies Divine Justice and reawakens love in cold hearts.  YOUR PRAYERS CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE!   We will have attractive new worship aids to help our prayer.

This Thursday, Third Thursday, February 20, we will have (with the same format and times as above) a Holy Hour & Mass for Vocations.  Your prayers can bring badly needed vocations to fruition—especially to the Priesthood and Consecrated Religious Life.  One good vocation will influence countless souls and move forward Jesus’ Kingdom.   Again, YOUR PRAYERS CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE!  

Exorcised salt (which is also blessed) and Epiphany Water (the most powerful holy water) are now both available.

Free archdiocesan booklets of the Jubilee Year of Hope are still available to help you make this special year spiritually fruitful. 

To communicate with me, email me directly at [email protected] or call/text me at (313) 727-9784.  Our Lady of the Cape, pray for us!

In Jesus, Mary & Joseph,
Fr. Alex Kratz, OFM    
Spiritual Director of Terra Sancta Ministries