April 17, 2024

Dear Friends,

Our Evening for LIFE is tomorrow, the Third Thursday, April 18. We hold these every Third Thursday.  Doors open with Eucharistic Exposition at 6:30 pm (Confessions available upon request).  We begin our Holy Hour at 7:00 pm Holy Hour followed by Holy Mass.  The little unborn babies and their mothers, who may be undecided about keeping their baby, are depending on you and your prayers.  Let’s push back the culture of death.  By Jesus’ mercy, we can change—and save—one life at a time.  After we die, Jesus will show us how our prayers may have saved lived and changed the course of history.

In 2 weeks we celebrate the Feast of St. Joseph the Worker, May 1.  Please mark your calendars.  It happily falls on a First Wednesday and the first day of the Month of Mary—his most holy spouse.  It is a liturgical reminder that St. Joseph and our Blessed Mother go together, and both are close to us to help us faithfully follow Jesus all the days of our lives.

This summer, Brother Louie Zant, OFM, and myself plan to move to live in the rectory of the shrine.  You can now begin to use that address for any personal correspondence with me.  The address is the same at the shrine, but with the (optional) addition of “St. Joseph Friary”—the name we are giving our house when we move in.  Thus, the address would be …

Fr. Alex Kratz, OFM
St. Joseph Friary
400 South Blvd. W.
Pontiac, MI 48341

Please remember to always write “West” or “W.” after 400 South Blvd.

To communicate with me, please DO NOT RESPOND TO THIS EMAIL but email me directly at  [email protected] or call/text me at (313) 727-9784.  In this month of the Holy Eucharist, we say: “Eucharistic Lord Jesus, we TRUST in You!”

In Jesus, Mary & Joseph,
Fr. Alex Kratz, OFM
Spiritual Director of Terra Sancta Ministries